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Version 2.0.0 ()
AppDirect Component

AppDirect Actions

AppDirect component actions

Create Object

Create Object in AppDirect Environment

Create Object. Input fields

Update Object

Update Object in AppDirect Environment

Update Object. Input fields

Create Entity

Create Entity in AppDirect Environment.

Create Entity. Input fields

  • Entity type - type of entity which you want to create. You can use only next list of types for this action:

Update Entity

Update Entity in AppDirect Environment.

Update Entity. Input fields

Lookup Object By ID

Get an object by its type and id from AppDirect Environment.

Lookup Object By ID. Input fields:

Lookup Objects

Get objects by criteria.

Lookup Objects. Input fields

Lookup Objects. Input Metadata description

  • pageSize: positive integer that defaults to 100 (only if Fetch Page mode)
  • pageNumber: required non-negative integer that is 0 based (only if Fetch Page mode)
  • order: optional array of fieldname + sort direction pairs (only if Fetch Page mode)
    "fieldName": "createdOn",
    "sortDirection": "ASC"
    "fieldName": "NAME",
    "sortDirection": "DESC"
  • max result size: optional positive integer that defaults to 1000 (only if fetch all mode)

Lookup Objects. Input metadata limitations

  • max result size value doesn’t support value more than 100000000 in Fetch all mode
  • Emit Individually mode can’t emit more then 100000000 messages

Delete Object By ID

Delete object by its type and id from AppDirect Environment.

  • Object type - type of object which you want to lookup.

  • Entity type - type of entity which you want to lookup. You can use only the following type for this action:

Enable/Disable company membership

See the link: Enable/Disable company membership. Enable or disable marketplace user’s company membership.

This only changes the user company membership’s enabled status; all other attributes are ignored.

Invite company membership

See the link: Invite company membership Add a user as a member of a marketplace company.

Depending on channel configuration, the membership is either created immediately or when an invited user accepts the invitation. If no user exists with the given email address (and also depending on channel configuration), a user may be created. This causes an invitation to be sent to the user.