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Version 1.0.2 ()
Lightspeed-ecom component

Lightspeed-ecom triggers

Lightspeed ECom API component triggers.

Polling entity

This trigger polls for existing and updated objects where you can select object type.

Trigger - Polling entity

Input fields description

  • Object Type - you should select the type of object which updates you want to get.
  • Polling Field - you can use any field existing at current object, which has datatype like DATE, DATETIME or TIMESTAMP.
  • Batch Size for request pagination - count of entries which you will get by one request ().

Supported entities:

  • attributes
  • blogs
  • brands
  • catalog
  • categories
  • contacts
  • countries
  • customers
  • dashboard
  • deliverydates
  • discounts
  • events
  • external_services
  • filters
  • groups
  • invoices
  • languages
  • metafields
  • orders
  • paymentmethods
  • products
  • quotes
  • redirects
  • returns
  • reviews
  • sets
  • shipments
  • shippingmethods
  • shop
  • subscriptions
  • suppliers
  • tags
  • taxes
  • textpages
  • tickets
  • time
  • types
  • variants

Webhook subscription

This trigger can create webhook to receive any changes for chosen type of entities.

Webhook subscription trigger

Input fields description

  • Object Type - you should select the type of object to make a subscription.

Supported entities:

  • contacts
  • customers
  • invoices
  • orders
  • products
  • quotes
  • returns
  • reviews
  • shipments
  • shop
  • subscriptions
  • tickets
  • variants