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Version 1.7.0 ()
Magento 2 Component

Magento 2 component

A component to work with Magento version 2 e-commerce platform.

Table of Contents


The primary purpose of this component is to integrate an external system with the Magento API. It generates actions based on JSON schemas from relevant Magento API endpoints and is compatible with Magento version 2.4.

Magento is a powerful, flexible platform offering a comprehensive suite of features for building and managing complex e-commerce sites. It supports advanced integrations, extensive customizations, and features an extensible architecture that enables seamless third-party system integration.

Magento API Docs

Environment variables

Name Mandatory Description Values
BULK_EXTRACT_PAGE_SIZE false Define max page for one call in Bulk Extract trigger Integer, default is 1000

Technical Notes

The technical notes page gives some technical details about Magento2 component like changelog.


Token-based authentication is implemented in the component.

  1. Admin Token authorization: for this option username and password fields are required, Integration Token field should be empty. A token is generated for each request.
  2. Integration Token authorization: for this option Integration Token field is required, username and password fields should be empty.

Minor Version of Magento

Dropdown list for selecting the minor version of Magento 2. Currently, only version 2.4 is available. This is a required field.

Magento Edition

Dropdown list with an edition of Magento 2. It is possible to select Open source or Enterprise edition. Required field.

Instance URL

It is needed to specify url of Magento instance like Required field.


It is needed to specify username. Required in pair with password for Admin Token authorization.


It is needed to specify password. Required in pair with username for Admin Token authorization

Integration Token

An integration token must be specified. Required for Integration Token authorization


Magento2 component includes the following triggers:

  1. Get New and Updated Objects Polling Lookup objects polling trigger.

  2. Deprecated Triggers.


Magento2 component includes the following actions:

  1. Delete Object This action allows you to delete the following object types: customer or product by unique criteria.

  2. Lookup Object by ID This action allows you to search up one of the object types: customer, product or sales order by unique criteria.

  3. Make Raw Request Given a field-value return all matching records.

  4. Lookup Objects Given a field-value return all matching records.

  5. Upsert Object Given a field-value return all matching records.

  6. Deprecated Actions.

Known limitations

  1. Current component version was tested with Magento v2.4.7 release. Correct component behavior is not guaranteed for other Magento2 versions.

  2. Deprecated triggers and actions don’t support Integration Token authorization, only Admin Token authorization.

  3. Currently Magento2 has a bug where encoded URI’s are not recognised and will throw errors. For example if you have some/sku, it will be encoded to some%2Fsku. However, due to the bug this will throw errors. Refrain from using URI’s that have special characters which are meant to be encoded.

  4. Deleting products through the API does not function in Magento v2.3.6 release due to a bug.

  5. When specifying a value for criteria fields in the Lookup Objects action, boolean values (true or false) will not work correctly. Instead, you must use integer representations:

    • Use 1 for true
    • Use 0 for false