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Marketo triggers

Marketo component triggers page.

Get New Activities Polling

Trigger to get all new and updated activities since last polling.

Get New Activities Polling

Trigger uses {endpointUrl}/v1/activities.json url

List of Expected Config fields

  • Emit Behaviour - Options are: default is Emit Individually emits each object in separate message, Fetch All emits all objects in one message
  • Activity Types - Dropdown list with activities types to choose (from 1 to 10)!
  • Start Time - Start datetime of polling. Default min date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
  • End Time - End datetime of polling. Default max date: +275760-09-13T00:00:00.000

Get New Leads Polling

Trigger to get all leads updates. Only updated leads fields wold be retrieved.

Get New Leads Polling

List of Expected Config fields

  • Events type - leads events type on Marketo: for leads changes select Changes, to get deleted leads - Deleted, and New Leads and changes to get all leads in the first execution and only lead changes after the first run
  • Emit Behaviour - Options are: default is Emit Individually emits each object in separate message, Emit page emits each page in separate message, Fetch All emits all objects in one message
  • Page Size - (optional, positive integer, defaults to 300, max 300): Indicates the size of pages to be fetched per request
  • Max iterations - (optional, positive integer, defaults to 1000): Limit the number of iterations to get activities in one flow run, if last iteration doesn’t contain records process will continue to first iteration with records
  • Return Leads - (checkbox, optional): If checked, trigger will produce Leads instead of activities, makes more additional requests equal to Total activities found / Page Size
  • Start Time - Start datetime of polling. Default min date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
  • End Time - End datetime of polling. Defaults to each flow execution time

Expected output metadata

Depends on Return Leads and Emit behavior fields.

  • If Emit behavior field is equal to Emit page - object with property results that contains array of activities or leads
  • If Emit behavior field is equal to Emit individually, activities or leads will fulfill whole message

Known limitations

  • If Emit behavior set to Fetch All or Emit page and data not found component will emit empty results
  • Leads can’t be returned from Events Type - Deleted

Poll Bulk Extract Results

Marketo provides interfaces for retrieval of large sets of person and person related data, called Bulk Extract. Bulk extract is performed by creating a job, defining the set of data to retrieve, enqueuing the job, waiting for the job to complete writing a file, and then retrieving the file over HTTP. These jobs are executed asynchronously, and can be polled to retrieve the status of the export. Action Bulk Extract creates a job with a defined set of data to retrieve. This trigger Poll Bulk Extract Results is used for polling status of the export and retrieving file. The bulk extract job result file is placed in the attachment and can be processed in the next flow step.

Poll Bulk Extract Results

Please Note: action Bulk Extract and trigger Poll Bulk Extract Results should be used in different flows, both flows: with action Bulk Extract and with trigger Poll Bulk Extract Results, should be created in the same workspace.

List of Expected Config fields

Flow name

Drop-down list with all available flow in the current workspace. It is necessary to choose flow with Bulk Extract action that should be polled.

Example of Usage

The same as Bulk Extract action