Microsoft Dynamics CRM component

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Technical Notes

Technical Notes for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM component

Deprecated component

Plese note: the Microsoft Dynamics CRM component has been deprecated and is no longer supported. We highly recommend migrating to the newer Microsoft Dynamics CRM v2 component, which offers improved functionality and ongoing maintenance.

Please update your codebase to utilize the Microsoft Dynamics CRM v2 as soon as possible to ensure compatibility with future updates and benefit from the latest features.


1.2.2 (November 30, 2020)

  • Upgrade to sailor 2.6.19
  • Annual audit of the component code to check if it exposes a sensitive data in the logs
  • Annual npm vulnerabilities audit

1.2.1 (October 7, 2020)

  • Bump dependencies
  • Fix emit called without await
  • Fix node to version 14
  • Annual audit of the component code to check if it exposes a sensitive data in the logs

1.2.0 (June 18, 2020)

  • Add support for Bulk operations (Create/Update/Delete)
  • Add Delete Object By ID action
  • Add Query action
  • Add new implementation Upsert action with image attachment support
  • Add new implementation Lookup Object action with image attachment support
  • Add Lookup Objects action

1.1.0 (March 3, 2018)

  • Initial release of OIH standardized component

Completeness Matrix

Here is Microsoft Dynamics CRM Completeness Matrix:

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Matrix

Please Note: This component has dynamic metadata, so all available entity types will be retrieved dynamically in each trigger/action.