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Pipedrive component

Pipedrive component

The Pipedrive Component enables seamless interaction with the Pipedrive API.

Table of Contents


The Pipedrive Component enables seamless interaction with the Pipedrive API. This component has been tested with API versions v1 and v2.


To begin building any integration flow, the first step is to create an application by following these instructions:

  1. Obtain your developer sandbox account.
    • If you already have a sandbox account, switch to it by clicking on your profile name or picture in the upper right corner and selecting Switch company.
  2. Open the Developer Hub.
  3. Click the Create an app button.
  4. Select Create private app.
  5. Enter a desired App name.
  6. Provide the Callback URL as https://{your-tenant-address}/callback/oauth2, where {your-tenant-address} is the domain of the integration platform.
  7. In the OAuth & access scopes section, select the necessary scopes—object types and operations that you plan to use with this integration. Also, copy the Client ID and Client secret, as they will be needed in the subsequent steps.

For more information about creating an OAuth app, please refer to the documentation here.

Once the app is created, proceed to set up new credentials for the component:

  • Choose Auth Client (dropdown, required) - Choose from the previously created clients or select Add New Auth Client:
    • Name (string, required) - Assign any desired name.
    • Client ID (string, required) - Enter the Client ID obtained from your app.
    • Client Secret (string, required) - Enter the Client secret from your app.
    • Authorization Endpoint (string, required) - Enter the OAuth2 authorization endpoint:
    • Token Endpoint (string, required) - Enter the refresh token endpoint:
  • Name Your Credential (string, required) - Enter a name of your choice.


Make Raw Request

Allows for the execution of custom requests using the Pipedrive REST API directly.

Configuration Fields

  • Don’t throw an error on 404 Response - (optional, boolean): Configures the handling of 404 HTTP responses as non-errors. Default is false.

Input Metadata

  • Url - (string, required): The relative path of the resource, appended to the base URL https://{COMPANYDOMAIN}
  • Method - (string, required): Specifies the HTTP method for the request, one of “GET”, “POST”, “PUT”, “PATCH”, “DELETE”.
  • Request Body - (object, optional): The body content for the request.

Output Metadata

  • Status Code - (number, required): The HTTP response status code.
  • HTTP headers - (object, required): The response’s HTTP headers.
  • Response Body - (object, optional): The body of the HTTP response.