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Rest API NTLM Auth Component

Rest API NTLM Auth Component

A version of the REST API component which uses NTLM Authentication


A version of the REST API component which uses NTLM Authentication


Component credentials configuration fields:

  • Username (string, required)
  • Password (string, required)
  • Domain (string, optional)
  • Workstation (string, optional)
  • Base URI (string, optional) - If provided, all requests made with the action should be appended to this base URL


This component has no trigger functions. This means it will not be accessible to select as a first component during the integration flow design.


Make Raw Request

Executes custom request.

Make Raw Request

Configuration Fields

  • Error Tolerance (dropdown, required): Determines behavior for when an erroneous HTTP code is received. Options are as follows:
    • No Errors Tolerated: Any HTTP status code >= 400 should result in an error being thrown
    • Only Not Found Errors Tolerated: HTTP status codes of 404, 410 or similar should result in a message being produced with the status code and the HTTP reponse. All other error codes should result in an error being thrown.
    • None: Regardless of the HTTP error code, the component should produce an outbound message with the status code and the HTTP response.
    • Manual: A range of error codes to throw errors on can be configured via the message input.

Input Metadata

  • Url (string, required): Path of the resource relative to the URL base. If there is no URL base, or if then this should be treated as the full URl.
  • Method (string enum, required): HTTP Verb for the request.
  • HTTP headers (object, optional): HTTP headers to attach to the request
  • Request Body (object, optional): Body of the request to send
  • If Error Tolerance is Manual:
    • HTTP Codes to throw errors (array of error ranges, optional default to []): A double array with a list of ranges of HTTP response codes to throw errors upon receiving Use a syntax that matches retry-axios. Example: [[400, 403], [405,599]] - Throw errors on all errors apart from 404. If array is empty, no error would be thrown, produce an outbound message with the status code and the HTTP response.

Output Metadata

  • Status Code (integer, required): HTTP status code of the request
  • HTTP Headers (object, optional): HTTP headers of the response
  • Response Body (object, optional): JSON representation of the response body from the request