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SAP Business One component

SAP Business One component

The SAP Business One Component is designed to interact seamlessly with the SAP Business One Service Layer API

Table of Contents


The SAP Business One Component is designed to interact seamlessly with the SAP Business One Service Layer API.

This component has been tested with API version v1 (OData version 3) and v2 (OData version 4).


The following fields are required for configuring component credentials:

  • Service Layer API - (string, required): The full path to your SAP Business One Service Layer API, for example,
  • Company DB - (string, required): The name of the company database.
  • Username - (string, required): Your username.
  • Password - (string, required): Your password.
  • Skip SSL validation (Not recommended) - (checkbox, optional): If checked, the component will bypass SSL certificate validation for the provided Service Layer API.


Delete Object by Unique Criteria

Deletes object by the provided criteria. As a criteria it uses a set (one or more) of fields marked as Key in its OData metadata.

! Note: The component performs only a “Soft Delete” due to SAP restrictions. In most cases, the object will be marked as deleted rather than being actually removed.

Configuration Fields

  • Object Type - (dropdown, required): An object type you want to delete. It is a dynamic field. The list of available objects will be automatically retrieved from the OData metadata.

Input Metadata

A dynamically fetched input metadata. Only the fields designated as Key in the OData metadata will be populated.

Output Metadata

  • key - (string, required): Unique identifier of deleted object

Lookup Object by Unique Criteria

Look up data by the provided criteria. As a criteria it uses a set (one or more) of fields marked as Key in its OData metadata.

Configuration Fields

  • Object Type - (dropdown, required): An object type you want to look for. It is a dynamic field. The list of available objects will be automatically retrieved from the OData metadata.
  • Fields in resulting object - (multiselect dropdown, optional): Select the fields that will be included in the resulting object. Leave blank if you want to include all fields
  • Include linked objects - (multiselect dropdown, optional): You can select related objects that should be included in the resulting object.
    Note: If you select any objects here, you are also required to select Fields in resulting object
  • Allow zero results - (checkbox, optional): When selected, if zero results are returned, the empty object {} is emitted, otherwise typically an error would be thrown.

Input Metadata

A dynamically fetched input metadata. Only the fields designated as Key in the OData metadata will be populated.

Output Metadata

A dynamically fetched output metadata.

Lookup Objects (plural)

Lookup a set of objects by defined criteria list. Can be emitted in different way.

Configuration Fields

  • Object Type - (dropdown, required): Object-type to lookup on. E.g Users.
  • Emit Behavior - (dropdown, required): Defines the way result objects will be emitted, one of Emit page or Emit individually.
  • Number of search terms - (number, optional): Field to specify a number of search terms (positive integer number [1-99] or 0), leave blank/put zero to lookup all entities of chosen type
  • Expert Mode for Filter Expression - (checkbox, optional, default to false): if checked, any OData filter expression can be entered in metadata field Filter Expression.
  • Page Size - (number, optional, default and max 100): Number of records to be fetched per API request. Please enter a positive integer only, the default and maximum value is 100
  • Fields in resulting object - (multiselect dropdown, optional): Select the fields that will be included in the resulting object. Leave blank if you want to include all fields
  • Include linked objects - (multiselect dropdown, optional): You can select related objects that should be included in the resulting object.
    Note: If you select any objects here, you are also required to select Fields in resulting object

Input Metadata

If configuration field Expert Mode for Filter Expression is enabled:

  • Filter Expression - (strings, required): any OData filter expression (without $filter=). For advanced users. Examples:
    • startswith(displayName,'J') and jobTitle eq 'Software Engineer'
    • DocumentType eq 'Order'

If configuration field Expert Mode for Filter Expression is disabled:

  • Depend on configuration field Number of search terms. If = N - N search term and N-1 logical operators will be generated, if = 0 - any search term will be generated. Each term contains the following fields:

    • Field name - (string, required): The name of the chosen entity’s field. You must select one field from the Allowed Values section.
    • Condition - (string, required): The condition used to compare the selected field with the value. The available conditions are described as follows:
      • gt - Greater than
      • lt - Less than
      • eq - Equal to
      • ne - Not equal to
      • ge - Greater than or equal to
      • le - Less than or equal to
      • has - Contains (in the context of membership or presence)
      • in - Belongs to a set or collection
      • startswith - Begins with
      • endswith - Ends with
      • contains - Includes or possesses within
    • Field value - (string, required): The value that the field must match according to the specified condition.
    • Detect type - (boolean, optional): When set to true, the component will attempt to detect the value type and apply additional conditions, such as adding single quotes to strings.

    Between search terms, there is a Logical operator to combine multiple terms. Available options:

    • and
    • or

    Example for Number of search terms = 2:

      "sTerm_1": {
        "fieldName": "id",
        "condition": "eq",
        "fieldValue": "1",
        "detectType": true
      "link_1_2": "and",
      "sTerm_2": {
        "fieldName": "displayName",
        "condition": "eq",
        "fieldValue": "Cronus",
        "detectType": true

Output Metadata

For Emit Page mode: An object with key results that has an array as its value For Emit Individually mode: Each object which fill the entire message

Make Raw Request

This action executes a raw OData request.

Configuration Fields

  • Don’t throw error on 404 Response - (optional, boolean): If enabled, 404 HTTP responses will not be treated as errors. The default value is false.

Input Metadata

  • Url - (string, required): The path of the resource relative to the base URL provided in the credentials (Service Layer API).
  • Method - (string, required): The HTTP verb to use for the request, which can be one of GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE.
  • Request Body - (object, optional): The body of the request to be sent.

Output Metadata

  • Status Code - (number, required): The HTTP status code of the response.
  • HTTP headers - (object, required): The HTTP headers included in the response.
  • Response Body - (object, optional): The body of the HTTP response.

Upsert Object

Updates (if record found) or creates a new object.

Configuration Fields

  • Object Type - (dropdown, required): A type of the object to upsert

  • Throw error if not found - (checkbox, optional): If value to search is provided and object not found, the component will throw an error instead of trying to create a new object

Input Metadata

  • Value to search in “{Field to search object}” - (string, optional): identifier of the object to upsert. And dynamically generated fields according to chosen Upsert Schema.

Output Metadata

The result object from the upsert operation. It contains the full object in the case of creation, and only the object ID (key) if an existing object was updated.

Get New and Updated Objects Polling

Retrieve new or updated objects based on timestamp field.

Configuration Fields

  • Object Type - (string, required): A type of the object to lookup on. E.g Users.

  • Timestamp field to poll on - (string, optional): Select available timestamp field than will be used to filter new or updated objects
  • Emit behavior - (dropdown, optional): Indicates emit objects behavior - Emit individually or Emit page (by default)
  • Start Time - (string, optional): The timestamp, in ISO8601 format, to start polling from (exclusive). Defaults to 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
  • Size of Polling Page - (optional, positive integer, defaults to 100, max 1000): Indicates the number of items that will be fetched per request
  • Additional filter - (string, optional): You can put here additional filter, for example: city eq 'Leiden'
  • Fields in resulting object - (multiselect dropdown, optional): Select the fields that will be included in the resulting object. Leave blank if you want to include all fields
  • Include linked objects - (multiselect dropdown, optional): You can select related objects that should be included in the resulting object.
    Note: If you select any objects here, you are also required to select Fields in resulting object

Input Metadata


Output Metadata

  • For Fetch page: An object with key results that has an array as its value
  • For Emit Individually: Each object fills the entire message

Known Limitations

  1. The maximum response size from the SAP Business One Service Layer API is limited to 10MB. If this limit is exceeded, you will receive a maxContentLength size of 10485760 exceeded error. This typically occurs when you are using large objects in the Include linked objects parameter. In such cases, consider reducing the Page Size.