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Latest Changelog
Version 1.1.3 ()
Shopware-6 component

Shopware 6 Technical Notes

Technical Notes for the Shopware component.


1.1.3 (October 31, 2023)

  • Fixed an issue when component crashes due to the input metadata for Upsert Object action
  • Fixed error in Object Type selection for Lookup Objects (plural) action

1.1.2 (December 16, 2022)

  • Fix schema to support both namings e.g. product_flat and Product
  • Limited number of (infinitely in general) nesting depth of ‘parent’ and ‘children’ objects for Products metadata to 1
  • Update Sailor version to 2.7.1

1.1.1 (September 23, 2022)

  • Fix sample retrieving when message body is empty
  • Correct amount of objects to emit in sample (10 objects maximum)
  • Now error will be thrown if Start Time is bigger End Time in Get New and Updated Objects Polling Trigger

1.1.0 (September 09, 2022)

  • New authentication method using client credentials grant
  • Added Lookup Object (at most one) Action
  • Added Lookup Objects (plural) Action
  • Added Upsert Object Action
  • Added Delete Object By ID Action
  • Added Get New and Updated Objects Polling Trigger

1.0.0 (August 12, 2022)

  • Added Make Raw Request Action
  • Initial component release