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Version 0.0.2 ()
Twitter component

Twitter component

Twitter is a channel where you can connect with your prospects, customers, and journalists.

Note: We have introduced a new component with more extensive functionality supporting X (Twitter) API V2. You can find it here.



To retrieve credentials you need to create Twitter App and generate token in that app.

Technical Notes

The technical notes page gives some technical details about Twitter component like changelog.


This component has no trigger functions. This means it will not be accessible to select as a first component during the integration flow design.


Post tweet

in/out metadata can be found at /lib/schemas/postTweet.{in/out}.json

Post tweet

Usage example

input message:

    "text": "hi there"

output message:

    "text": "hi there",
    "id": "979656103867887616",
    "createdAt": "Fri Mar 30 09:46:30 +0000 2018"

Search tweets

in/out metadata can be found at /lib/schemas/searchTweets.{in/out}.json

Search tweets

Usage example

input message:

    "text": "hi there",
    "count": 2

output message:

	"tweets": [
            "id": "979656598619607040",
            "userId": "123123",
            "createdAt": "Fri Mar 30 09:48:28 +0000 2018",
            "text": "@user123123 Hi there. If you would like to provide feedback about our packaging, please follow this link:…",
			"lang": "en"
            "id": "979656548753592320",
            "userId": "456456",
            "createdAt": "Fri Mar 30 09:48:17 +0000 2018",
            "text": "@user456456 Hi there, what sort of information can I help you with? Are you looking at train times for today?",
			"lang": "en",