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Version 1.5.12 ()
MongoDB component

MongoDB component Action functions

MongoDB component action function details.


Here are the details of the action function of MongoDB component.


Calculates aggregate values for the data in a collection or a view


  1. Select a DB - Database to be found in.
  2. Select a Collection - Collection to be found in.
  3. Select an Emit Behavior: Emit Individually, Emit Batch or Fetch All - Determines how many messages to emit when the number of results is not one. Emit Individually attaches a groupInfo to the message (outside the body) which allows the message to be rebuilt.
  4. allowDiskUse - Enables writing to temporary files. When set to true, aggregation stages can write data to the _tmp subdirectory in the dbPath directory. See docs.


pipeline - a sequence of data aggregation operations or stages. See the aggregation pipeline operators for details. Required field.

Note: Must be an array of pipeline stages.

batchSize - size of pages. Rendered only if Emit Batch strategy is chosen. Default: 10.

  "pipeline": [
    { $group: { _id: null, count: { $sum: 1 } } }
  "pipeline": [
    { $match: { value: 64 } },
    { $addFields: { newField: 88 } },
Emit batch strategy
  "pipeline": [
    { $match: { value: 64 } },
    { $addFields: { newField: 88 } },
  "batchSize": 10

Bulk Write

Bulk Write takes an array of write operations and executes each of them. Operations executed in provided order.


  1. Select a DB - Database to perform operations.
  2. Select a Collection - collection to perform operations.


operations - Valid operations are: insertOne, updateOne, updateMany, deleteOne, deleteMany, replaceOne

  "operations": [
      "insertOne": {
        "document": {
          "test": 1
      "updateOne": {
        "filter": {
          "test": "test"
        "update": {
          "test": 2

Delete By ID

Delete document by ID.


  1. Select a DB - Database to be found in.
  2. Select a Collection - Collection to be found in.


‘id’ of the document to delete

  "id" : "5e936f7c7c876ec2e1e48f4d"


Resulting JSON is a MongoDB specific information
  "result": {
    "result": {
      "n": 1,
      "opTime": {
        "ts": "6815603303313833985",
        "t": 24
      "electionId": "7fffffff0000000000000018",
      "ok": 1,
      "$clusterTime": {
        "clusterTime": "6815603303313833985",
        "signature": {
          "hash": "8NaPN38tce9du4OTS1aMF9qZeoI=",
          "keyId": "6781502667437899778"
      "operationTime": "6815603303313833985"
    "connection": {
      "_events": {},
      "_eventsCount": 4,
      "id": 1,
      "address": "",
      "bson": {},
      "socketTimeout": 360000,
      "monitorCommands": false,
      "closed": false,
      "destroyed": false,
      "lastIsMasterMS": 10
    "deletedCount": 1,
    "n": 1,
    "opTime": {
      "ts": "6815603303313833985",
      "t": 24
    "electionId": "7fffffff0000000000000018",
    "ok": 1,
    "$clusterTime": {
      "clusterTime": "6815603303313833985",
      "signature": {
        "hash": "8NaPN38tce9du4OTS1aMF9qZeoI=",
        "keyId": "6781502667437899778"
    "operationTime": "6815603303313833985"

Delete By Unique Criteria

Delete document by Unique Criteria.


  1. Select a DB - Database to be found in.
  2. Select a Collection - Collection to be found in.


criteria of the document to search

  "criteria": {
    "foo" : "bar"


Resulting JSON is a MongoDB specific information
  "result": {
    "result": {
      "n": 2,
      "opTime": {
        "ts": "6815625881956909058",
        "t": 24
      "electionId": "7fffffff0000000000000018",
      "ok": 1,
      "$clusterTime": {
        "clusterTime": "6815625881956909058",
        "signature": {
          "hash": "PfOoj8NNKraOSMQIqufBVgFis9g=",
          "keyId": "6781502667437899778"
      "operationTime": "6815625881956909058"
    "connection": {
      "_events": {},
      "_eventsCount": 4,
      "id": 1,
      "address": "",
      "bson": {},
      "socketTimeout": 360000,
      "monitorCommands": false,
      "closed": false,
      "destroyed": false,
      "lastIsMasterMS": 10
    "deletedCount": 2,
    "n": 2,
    "opTime": {
      "ts": "6815625881956909058",
      "t": 24
    "electionId": "7fffffff0000000000000018",
    "ok": 1,
    "$clusterTime": {
      "clusterTime": "6815625881956909058",
      "signature": {
        "hash": "PfOoj8NNKraOSMQIqufBVgFis9g=",
        "keyId": "6781502667437899778"
    "operationTime": "6815625881956909058"

Lookup By ID

Lookup document by ID.


  1. Select a DB - Database to be found in.
  2. Select a Collection - Collection to be found in.


id of the document

  "id" : "5e936f7c7c876ec2e1e48f4d"


  "result": {
    "_id": "5a97f9c91c807bb9c6eb5fb4",
    "user_id": "t3qulfeem@kwiv5.6ur",
    "name": "John Smith"

Lookup By Unique Criteria

Lookup (at most 1) Document By Unique Criteria.


  1. Select a DB - Database to be found in.
  2. Select a Collection - Collection to be found in.
  3. Allow zero results - When checked, in case zero documents found, an empty body will be emitted as a result. An error will be thrown otherwise.

Action logic:

  • In case 0 document found:
    • ‘Allow zero results’ checked. Empty object is emitted.
    • ‘Allow zero results’ not checked. Error ‘Document not found’ thrown.
  • In case exactly 1 document found:

This document is emitted

  • In case more than 1 document found: Error ‘More than one document found’ thrown.


‘criteria’ of the document to search. If you provide ObjectId it will be automatically parsed to MongoDB ObjectId

  "criteria": {
    "value" : 4
  "criteria": {
    "_id" : "ObjectId('64a296786751183ae1f615ed')"


  "_id": "5a97f9c91c807bb9c6eb5fb4",
  "user_id": "t3qulfeem@kwiv5.6ur",
  "name": "John Smith",
  "value": 4

Lookup Plural

Lookup many documents by criteria.


  1. Select a DB - Database to be found in.
  2. Select a Collection - Collection to be found in.
  3. Select an Emit Behavior: Emit Individually, Emit Batch or Fetch All - Determines how many messages to emit when the number of results is not one. Emit Individually attaches a groupInfo to the message (outside the body) which allows the message to be rebuilt.


‘criteria’ of the document to search. Required field. If you provide ObjectId it will be automatically parsed to MongoDB ObjectId

Please Note:: it is possible to lookup objects by fields with type ObjectID. For enabling this feature use template "ObjectId('objectId')".



  "criteria": {
    "taskId": "ObjectId('61523b6043a05f0006fc4800')"
  "limit": 100

Known limitation: it is possible to lookup by ObjectId only on first level of criteria object. Nested properties are not supported. In case usage template "ObjectId('objectId')" on next levels of criteria object value will accept as string.

limit - specifies the maximum number of documents the action will return. 0 is equivalent to setting no limit. Optional field.

project - specifies which fields, including embedded objects, the action should return. Please refer Project Fields to Return from Query for the details. Optional field.

batchSize - size of pages. Rendered only if Emit Batch strategy is chosen. Default: 10.


This will find all the documents (plural) according to th given criteria. In this case this will retrieve all the objects with the root value equals 4:

  "criteria": {
    "value": 4
  "limit": 100


Will return an array of documents inside the result property:

  "result": [
      "_id": "5e936f7c7c876ec2e1e48f4d",
      "name": "Example4",
      "nestedObj": {
        "otherValue": 4
      "value": 4
  1. Complex queries are also supported. E.g. the next query will return all the objects that have a property otherValue equals 4 inside of a property nestedObj. You will get a ‘Projection cannot have a mix of inclusion and exclusion’ error otherwise.
  "criteria": {
    "nestedObj.otherValue": 4
  1. Using project object you can specify which fields to return (set to 1) or not to return (set to 0). The following sample returns all the objects (as the ‘criteria’ object is empty), with fields ‘fieldFoo’ and ‘fieldBar’ only. Also note that with the exception of the _id field, you cannot combine inclusion and exclusion statements in projection documents.
  "criteria": {},
  "project": { 'fieldFoo': 1, 'fieldBar': 1, '_id': 0}
  1. Emit batch strategy:
  "criteria": {
    "value": 4
  "limit": 100,
  "batchSize": 10

Upsert By ID

Upserts document by ID.


  1. Select a DB - Database to be found in.
  2. Select a Collection - Collection to be found in.
  3. Object ID - id of upserted document. If not provided document would be created. Note: value must be a single String of 12 bytes or a string of 24 hex characters.


Document to be upserted.

  "name" : "some_value",
  "surname": "updated_value"


  "result":  {
    "id": "some id" // object id
    // other document properties

Update Many

Updates documents in a collection


  1. Select a DB - Database to be found in.
  2. Select a Collection - Collection to be found in.
  3. Upsert - When checked, creates a new document if no document matches the query.


  1. criteria - the criteria used to select the documents to update. If you provide ObjectId it will be automatically parsed to MongoDB ObjectId
  2. update - the update operations to be applied to the documents

Please refer the MongoDB Update Operators Documentation for the details on the operators.

  "criteria": {
    "nestedObj.otherValue": {
      "$gt": 2
  "update": {
    "$set": {
  "criteria": {
    "_id" : "ObjectId('64a296786751183ae1f615ed')"
  "update": {
    "$set": {


Resulting JSON
  "result": {
    "result": {
      "n": 2,
      "nModified": 2,
      "opTime": {
        "ts": "6816718766450147330",
        "t": 24
      "electionId": "7fffffff0000000000000018",
      "ok": 1,
      "$clusterTime": {
        "clusterTime": "6816718766450147330",
        "signature": {
          "hash": "5wbixQ6vmIt6IJehzdL55zp1zYw=",
          "keyId": "6781502667437899778"
      "operationTime": "6816718766450147330"
    "connection": {
      "_events": {},
      "_eventsCount": 4,
      "id": 1,
      "address": "",
      "bson": {},
      "socketTimeout": 360000,
      "monitorCommands": false,
      "closed": false,
      "destroyed": false,
      "lastIsMasterMS": 10
    "modifiedCount": 2,
    "upsertedId": null,
    "upsertedCount": 0,
    "matchedCount": 2,
    "n": 2,
    "nModified": 2,
    "opTime": {
      "ts": "6816718766450147330",
      "t": 24
    "electionId": "7fffffff0000000000000018",
    "ok": 1,
    "$clusterTime": {
      "clusterTime": "6816718766450147330",
      "signature": {
        "hash": "5wbixQ6vmIt6IJehzdL55zp1zYw=",
        "keyId": "6781502667437899778"
    "operationTime": "6816718766450147330"

Upsert By Unique Criteria

Upserts document by unique criteria.


  1. Select a DB - Database to be found in.
  2. Select a Collection - Collection to be found in.


  1. criteria - criteria for upsertion. If you provide ObjectId it will be automatically parsed to MongoDB ObjectId
  "address": "Park Lane 38"
} // Property address equals 'Park Lane 38' in upserted Document
  "status": {
    "$in": "['A', 'D']"
} // Property status equals 'A' or 'D'
  "_id" : "ObjectId('64a296786751183ae1f615ed')"
} // Document MongoDB id equal '64a296786751183ae1f615ed'
  1. value - Document to be upserted.
  "name" : "some_value",
  "surname": "updated_value"


  "result":  {
    "id": "some id" // object id
    // other document properties