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Odoo component

Odoo component

The Odoo Component is designed to interact seamlessly with the Odoo API.

Odoo Component

Table of Contents


The Odoo Component is designed to interact seamlessly with the Odoo API, following the guidelines provided in the External API documentation.

This component has been tested with API version 17.


The configuration fields for component credentials are as follows:

  • Odoo Base URI (string, required) - The URL of your Odoo installation (cloud or on-premise).
  • Database name (string, required) - You can find the database name by activating Developer mode, where it will appear in the top right corner next to your name.
  • Username (string, required) - Your username (usually your email address).
  • Password or API Key (string, required) - You can enter your password here or generate an API Key to use instead.


Execute Method

This action can perform most operations needed to interact with the Odoo API.

Configuration Fields

  • Model (dropdown, required): Select the model (object) with which you will perform the operation.
  • Operation (dropdown, required): Select one of the available operations:
    • Read - Read models using the provided ID(s).
    • Search - Search models based on the provided criteria and return a list of ID(s).
    • Search and read - Search models based on the provided criteria and return the models.
    • Update - Update an existing model using the provided ID.
    • Create - Create a new model.
    • Delete - Delete models using the provided ID(s).
    • Execute keyword (execute_kw) - A universal operation that can perform any action, including all the above, for advanced users. More info.

Input Metadata

Dynamically generated fields based on the selected Operation:

  • Read:
    • Objects ids - (array of numbers, required): An array of IDs that need to be read.
    • Fields - (array of strings, optional): An array of fields that will appear in the resulting object. List of the available fields will appear in tooltip (i icon near this field). If leave blank than all fields will be present.
  • Search:
    • Domain filters - (array of objects, optional): You can specify multiple filters to apply for the Search operation.
      • Field name - (string, required): The field name of the current model, or a relationship traversal through a “Many2one” using dot notation, e.g., street or
      • Operator - (string, required): An operator used to compare the “Field name” with the Value. List of the available operators will appear in tooltip (i icon near this field)
      • Value - (string or array of strings, required): An array of values or a single string that must be comparable (through the operator) to the specified field.
  • Search and read:
    • Domain filters - (array of objects, optional): Similar to the Search operation, you can specify multiple filters.
      • Field name - (string, required): The field name of the current model, or a relationship traversal through a “Many2one” using dot notation, e.g., street or
      • Operator - (string, required): An operator used to compare the “Field name” with the Value. List of the available operators will appear in tooltip (i icon near this field)
      • Value - (string or array of strings, required): An array of values or a single string that must be comparable (through the operator) to the specified field.
    • Fields - (array of strings, optional): An array of fields that will appear in the resulting object. List of the available fields will appear in tooltip (i icon near this field). If leave blank than all fields will be present.
    • Options - (objects, optional): Additional options.
      • Limit - (number, optional): The number of records to retrieve in the result.
      • Offset - (number, optional): How many records should be skipped (used for pagination).
      • Order - (string, optional): You can apply ordering to the results, for example: category, birthday desc.
  • Update:
    • Id of the Object to update - (string, required).
    • …other fields will be generated according to the selected Model.
  • Create:
    • All fields will be generated according to the selected Model.
  • Delete:
    • Objects ids - (array of numbers, required): An array of IDs that need to be deleted.
  • Execute keyword (execute_kw):
    • Method name - (string, required): The name of the operation.
    • An array/list of parameters passed by position - (array, optional).
    • A mapping/dict of parameters to pass by keyword - (object, optional).

Output Metadata

The output will be an object with the key result, containing the response from the Odoo API.


Get New and Updated Objects Polling

Retrieve all the updated or created objects within a given time range.

Configuration Fields

  • Model - (dropdown, required): Select the model (object) with which you will perform the operation.
  • Timestamp field to poll on - (dropdown, required): Select the date field to track changes.
  • Emit behavior - (dropdown, optional): Indicates emit objects behavior - Emit individually (by default) or Emit page
  • Size of Polling Page - (optional, positive integer, defaults to 100, max 100): Indicates the size of pages to be fetched
  • Start Time - (string, optional): The timestamp, in ISO8601 format, to start polling from (inclusive). The default value is the beginning of time (January 1, 1970 at 00:00.000).

Input Metadata


Output Metadata

  • For Fetch page: An object with key results that has an array as its value
  • For Emit Individually: Each object fills the entire message