SOAP component
A messaging protocol for exchanging information between applications running on different OS.
A messaging protocol for exchanging information between applications running on different OS.
The platform supports the following SOAP protocol versions:
Component supports the following WSDL styles:
- RPC/Literal
- Document/Encoded
- Document/Literal
Environment variables
` EIO_REQUIRED_RAM_MB - recommended value of allocated memory is 2048MB 2048MB`
You can select the following authorization type:
- No Auth
- Basic Auth
- Username - Username for Basic authorization header in the SOAP request
- Password - Password for Basic authorization header in the SOAP request
- API Key Auth (not supported yet).
Please note: Error would not be thrown on invalid credentials, as credenteals does not contain WSDL url.
In case of invalid credentials error expected on sample retrieve step: Unexprected reponse from server satus code: 401 Anunthorized
Technical Notes
The technical notes page gives some technical details about SOAP component like changelog and completeness matrix.
How it works
Step 1
Find and select SOAP component in the component repository:

Step 2
Create new or select existing credentials:

Step 3
Specify WSDL URL, then choose binding and operation consecutively. The order matters! Then configure an input data and click “Continue”:

Step 4
Retrieve sample or add sample manually:

- Receive SOAP Request
Webhook that validates input body over WSDL.
Makes a call to SOAP service over HTTP using public WSDL URL.
Soap Reply
Wraps and returns input data as SOAP response by provided SOAP metadata.
Known limitations
Here are the limitations of this component:
- RPC/SOAP-Encoded styles are not supported.
- All major frameworks for web services support Document/literal messages. Most of the popular frameworks also have some support for rpc/encoded, so developers can still use it to create encoded-only services. As a result it is hard to estimate the number of web services, in production use, work only with SOAP encoded messages. However, there is a tendency to move away from RPC/encoded towards Document/literal. Since the SOAP encoding specification does not guarantee 100% inter-operability and there are vendor deviations in the implementation of RPC/encoded.
- Only self-containing WSDLs are supported now. This means that WSDL containing external XSD schemas will not work in this version of the component.
- WS-Security header is not supported.
- WS-Addressing is not supported.
- Custom SOAP headers can not be added.
- The WSDL and associated schemas must be accessible via a publicly accessible URL. File upload of the WSDL and/or XSD schemas is not supported.
- Component does not support multi-part format of message in the SOAP request element. Only first part of request element will be processed in the current component version.
- ‘Emit SOAP Faults Instead of Throwing an Error’ feature of the ‘CallAction’ action was not fully tested against all the possible SOAP faults.
API and Documentation links