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NetSuite component

NetSuite component

A component which interacts with the NetSuite ERP system.

NetSuite component

Table of Contents

General information

Description iPaaS component that connects to NetSuite ERP API.


Main purpose of this component is to provide functionality to interact with NetSuite ERP system.

How works

Communication with NetSuite API established using NetSuite’s native SDK.

API version

2022.1 NetSuite version is used and supported. The component will work with other NS versions in most cases. But 100% compatibility could not be guaranteed.


Environment variables

Environment variable ‘EIO_REQUIRED_RAM_MB’ must be configured before any component’s activity (credentials verify, retrieve sample).

Variable Value

Enable web-service communication

NetSuite’s Web Services SOAP interface allows you to communicate with the ERP and to integrate external systems with it. NetSuite’s native SDK, which is used for the communication in the component, uses NetSuite’s SOAP Web Services under the hood. By default web service communication is disabled in NetSuite. So it should be enabled in order to allow component make calls. To enable Web Service communication:

  1. Go to Setup -> Company -> Enable Features
  2. Open SuiteCloud tab and tick there the ‘Web Services’ checkbox in the SuitTalk section
  3. Press Save

Enable Web Service

Credentials Netsuite connector since version 3.0.0 only supports a token based authentication mechanisms. Support of a user credentials mechanism has been removed by Netsuite SOAP API.

To use Token-Based authentication you must at first setup a Netsuite account: Enable Integration:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features > Suite Cloud > Manage Authentication
  2. Enable Token-Based Authentication
  3. Go to menu Setup > Integrations > Manage Integrations
  4. Click New button
  5. Set the name to whatever you want. Please make sure to tick the Token-Based Authentication option, uncheck the “TBA: AUTHORIZATION FLOW” and “AUTHORIZATION CODE GRANT” option, and check the “TBA: ISSUETOKEN ENDPOINT” option.
  6. Copy Consumer Key and Consumer secret values to be used in credentials. As they will be not available later.

Create a Role and assign to a User:

  1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles > New
  2. Create a role and assign necessary permissions for a connector (Access to any Netsuite object types, transactions, etc.).
  3. The role must have “User Access Tokens” and “SOAP Web Services” permissions for integration using TBA
  4. Assign the Role to the desired user that will be used for integration. Go to Lists > Employees > edit user > Access tab > Roles subtab.

Create an Access Token for the Integration record, User, and Role:

  1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Access Tokens > New.
  2. Select the Integration record, User, and Role created or referenced in the previous steps.
  3. Token Id and Token Secret will be displayed after tapping the save button. Copy the Consumer Key and Consumer secret values as they as will not be available after you leave the page.

All the credentials fields are required:

  1. Domain. To find your domain endpoint go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Company Information (Administrator) in the NetSuite UI. Your domains are listed on the Company URLs subtab. Should be something like https://{accountId}
  2. Account. Account Number to access NetSuite API. This number is required for the component to connect to NetSuite via native SuiteTalk API. Can be found here:
    1. Go to Setup -> Integration -> Web Services Preferences
    2. Find ACCOUNT ID field there. Get Account Number

Important! Make sure you have copied an account name exactly how it is specified in Netsuite UI.

  1. Consumer Key
  2. Consumer Secret
  3. Token Id
  4. Token Secret


Get New and Updated Objects Polling

Generic trigger that polls NetSuite instance for new and/or updated objects (of any type available in the NetSuite).

Get New and Updated Objects Polling. Config fields

  • Object Type (dropdown)
  • Start Time (string, optional): Indicates the beginning time to start polling from (defaults to the beginning of time)
  • End Time (string, optional): If provided, don’t fetch records modified after this time (defaults to never)
  • Size of Polling Page (optional; string). Indicates the size of pages to be fetched. Defaults to 1000. CAN NOT be less then 5.
  • Single Page per Interval (dropdown/checkbox: yes/no; default yes). Indicates that if the number of changed records exceeds the maximum number of results in a page, instead of fetching the next page immediately, wait until the next flow start to fetch the next page.

First, the system reads all the objects of the chosen type and processes it further along with your designed integration flow. It will also create an initial state of fetched objects, we call it a snapshot, in order to have something to compare with after your data is updated.

After the initial read, any further requests for an update or create new object in NetSuite will be compared to this snapshot and in case any changes are detected they will be passed along with the integration flow as well.

Search Entity (deprecated)

Deprecated. Use Get New and Updated Objects Polling trigger instead.

Finds an object or a set of objects using filter criteria (field, operator, value). See below for the details.

How to use Search Entity Trigger

Step 1

Find and select NetSuite component in the component repository

Step 1

Step 2

Create new or select existing credentials

Step 2

Step 3

Specify parameters for searching entity The component supports next entity types for now:

  • Customer payments
  • Vendor payments

Supported entity list can be extended in future.

Step 3

Step 3.1

Select “Entity type” from drop-down list, you can choose “Vendor payment” or “Customer payment”

Step 3.1

Step 3.2

Select options “Filter by field” from drop-down list, you can choose “dateCreated” or “lastModifiedDate”

Step 3.2

Step 3.3

Select options “Filter operator” from drop-down list, you can choose next one:

  • after
  • before
  • notAfter
  • notBefore
  • notEmpty
  • on
  • notOn
  • notOnOrBefore
  • notOnOrAfter
  • onOrAfter
  • onOrBefore

Step 3.3

Step 3.4

Input “Filter value” - date and time in format “2018-01-01T00:00:00.000 -07:00” At the end of trigger execution “Filter value” field change value to “Last trigger execution date” value. It is opportunity to load only new updated/created records from the NetSuite.

Step 3.4

Step 4

Retrieve sample or add sample manually

Step 4: Retrieve sample

Step 5

Retrieve sample result

Step 5: Retrieve sample result

Polling objects

Find an object or a set of objects was updated since last polling of time.

Input fields

Object Type - Object type to poll (only for objects which support lastModifiedDate filtering)

Start Time - Indicates the beginning time to start polling from (defaults to the beginning of time, in next format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS XXX)

End Time - If provided, don’t fetch records modified after this time (defaults to never, in next format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS XXX)

Size of Polling Page - Indicates the size of pages to be fetched. Defaults to 1000.

Single Page per Interval - Indicates that if the number of changed records exceeds the maximum number of results in a page, instead of fetching the next page immediately, wait until the next flow start to fetch the next page.

Known Limitations

At the moment trigger supports polling of next object types:

  • Calendar Event,
  • Campaign
  • Contact
  • Customer
  • Employee
  • Entity
  • Entity Group
  • Folder
  • Issue
  • Item
  • Item Demand Plan
  • Item Supply Plan
  • Job
  • Opportunity
  • Originating Lead
  • Partner
  • Phone Call
  • Project Task
  • Solution
  • Support Case
  • Task
  • Transaction
  • Vendor


    Add Object

    Add an object to NetSuite.

Add Object. Config Fields

  • Object Category - a category of an object in NetSuite
    • Standard
    • Custom
  • Object Type - an object in NetSuite (Contact, Customer etc.). Fetches dynamically.

Add Object. Input Metadata

Is being fetched dynamically. Sample:

Input metadata for Invoice object: ```json { "entity": { "internalId": "5" }, "currency": { "internalId": "1" }, "tranDate": "2023-05-23", "itemList": { "item": [ { "description": "General Donation", "amount": 1000, "item": { "internalId": "12" }, "quantity": 1, "rate": "100", "taxCode": { "internalId": "5" }, "customFieldList": { "customField": [ { "type": "SelectCustomFieldRef", "scriptId": "asd_d3", "value": { "name": "Charity type", "internalId": "2" } } ] } } ] }, "customFieldList": { "customField": [ { "type": "StringCustomFieldRef", "scriptId": "custbody_sf_field-one", "value": "Bank Transfer" }, { "type": "StringCustomFieldRef", "scriptId": "custbody_sf_field-two", "value": "Individual One-Off" }, { "type": "StringCustomFieldRef", "scriptId": "custbody_sf_field-three", "value": "John Doe" }, { "type": "StringCustomFieldRef", "scriptId": "custbody_sf_field-four", "value": "ABC-987" } ] } } ```

Delete Object By Id

Deletes an object by the ID provided.

Delete Object By Id. Config fields

  • Object Category - a category of an object in NetSuite
    • Standard
    • Custom
  • Object Type - an object in NetSuite (Contact, Customer etc.). Fetches dynamically.

Delete Object By Id. Input Metadata

Is being fetched dynamically. The sample:

Input metadata for Transaction objects:

  "internalId": "string",
  "externalId": "string",
  "deletionReasonCode": "deleteionReasonCodeString",
  "deletionReasonMemo": "deletionReasonMemoString"

Deletion Reason Usage Notes

Click to expand > Note the following about the deletionReason parameter: > The deletionReason complex type includes two fields: deletionReasonCode and deletionReasonMemo. The deletionReasonCode must identify a deletion reason that is listed at Setup > Accounting > Accounting Lists. If the Use Deletion Reasons feature is enabled and you use the deletionReasonCode to identify a code that does not exist, the request fails with an INVALID_REF_KEY error. > Deletion reasons can be saved only for transactions. However, in SOAP web services, you must use the deletionReason parameter even when referencing other record types, and even when the Use Deletion Reasons feature is not enabled. For situations where it is not appropriate to identify a deletion reason, pass in a value of null. > Even when when a deletion reason is required, you can use a value of null. In these cases, the system automatically populates the deletion reason fields with default values. These defaults are: Other for deletionReasonCode and This transaction was deleted by script or web service for deletionReasonMemo. > The deletionReason complex type is defined in the core XSD. > For more details about the Use Deletion Reasons feature, see Recording a Reason for Deleting a Transaction.

Input metadata for other objects:

  "internalId": "string",
  "externalId": "string"

Delete Object By Id. Output Metadata

  "internalId": "string"

Get Item Availability

Allows to get an item availability based on its type and internal ID provided

Get Item Availability. Config fields

  • Item Type - item type to search for. One of:
    • Assembly Item
    • Description Item
    • Discount Item
    • Download Item
    • Inventory Item
    • Gift Certificate Item
    • Kit Item
    • Non-Inventory Purchase Item
    • Non Inventory Resale Item
    • Non Inventory Sale Item
    • Other Charge Purchase Item
    • Other Charge Resale Item
    • Other Charge Sale Item
    • Payment Item
    • Service Resale Item Service Sale Item
  • Allow Empty Results (Defaults: false) - When an item not found, if this is checked, an empty object will be emitted instead of throwing an error.

Get Item Availability. Input Metadata

  • Item Internal ID - internal ID of an item to search by. Optional
  • Item External ID - external ID of an item to search by. Optional. Please note that either ‘External ID’ or ‘Internal ID’ field must be provided.

Input metadata example:

  "internalId": "1234"

Get Item Availability. Output Metadata

Generates dynamically based on the item type selected in the configuration field

Lookup Object By Id

Lookup an object by the ID provided.

Lookup Object By Id. Config fields

  • Object Category - a category of an object in NetSuite
    • Standard
    • Custom
  • Object Type - an object in NetSuite (Contact, Customer etc.). Fetches dynamically.
  • Allow ID to be omitted
  • Allow Zero Results

Lookup Objects

Looks for objects available in NetSuite which meet given criteria. Use this action to execute the following types of searches:

  • Basic search — Execute a search on a record type based on search filter fields that are specific to that type. See Basic Searches in SOAP Web Services.
  • Joined search — Execute a search on a record type based on search filter fields on an associated record type. See Joined Searches in SOAP Web Services
  • Advanced search — Execute a search on a record type in which you specify search filter fields and/or search return columns or joined search columns. Using advanced search, you can also return an existing saved search. See Advanced Searches in SOAP Web Services.

Lookup Objects. Config fields

  • Object Type - an object in NetSuite (Contact, Customer etc.). Fetches dynamically.
  • Search Type - a type of search. See below.
    • Basic
    • Joined
    • Advanced
  • Behavior - a behavior for the component on how to handle the response which has more than 1 object to response with:
    • Emit individually
    • Fetch all
    • Fetch Page

A basic search lets you search records of a specific type using the fields on that record as search filters. In a basic search, field criteria are the only values you set. You cannot specify search return columns. The full list of available objects to search can be found in the Help Center (may vary for each installation). You can find the entire metadata of each object there as well.

Log in to your NetSuite account > Suite Cloud (Customization, Scripting, and Web Services) > SuiteCloud Platform Introduction > SuiteCloud Records Reference Tools > The SuiteScript Records Browser > Click ‘Go to the SuiteScript Records Browser.’ SuiteScript Records Browser

Then choose Schema Browser > ‘common’ from the dropdown list and open the Search tab at the left. Common

What you should do next is to build a correct search request using object fields and operators.

Search operators

It is just the recommended list. You should always use an actual one based on the Help center of your account.


Click to expand * contains * is * startsWith


Click to expand * after * before * empty * notAfter * notBefore * notEmpty * notOn * notOnOrAfter * notOnOrBefore * notWithin * on * onOrAfter * onOrBefore * within


Click to expand * between * empty * equalTo * greaterThan * greaterThanOrEqualTo * lessThan * lessThanOrEqualTo * notBetween * notEmpty * notEqualTo * notGreaterThan * notGreaterThanOrEqualTo * notLessThan * notLessThanOrEqualTo


Click to expand * anyOf * noneOf


Click to expand * between * empty * equalTo * greaterThan * greaterThanOrEqualTo * lessThan * lessThanOrEqualTo * notBetween * notEmpty * notEqualTo * notGreaterThan * notGreaterThanOrEqualTo * notLessThan * notLessThanOrEqualTo


Click to expand * anyOf * noneOf


Click to expand * contains * doesNotContain * doesNotStartWith * empty * hasKeywords * is * isNot * notEmpty * startsWith


Click to expand * between * empty * equalTo * greaterThan * greaterThanOrEqualTo * lessThan * lessThanOrEqualTo * notBetween * notEmpty * notEqualTo * notGreaterThan * notGreaterThanOrEqualTo * notLessThan * notLessThanOrEqualTo
Basic Search Samples
Search contacts by a provided email

Object Type: Contact

Search Type: ContactSearchBasic

XML request:


The same request for the component (JSON):

  "email": {
    "searchValue": "",
    "operator": {
      "value": "is"


Click to see the response ```json { "results": [ { "internalId": "4248", "lastModifiedDate": "2018-08-17T08:51:19.000+0000", "dateCreated": "2018-08-17T08:16:53.000+0000", "globalSubscriptionStatus": { "value": "_softOptIn" }, "subsidiary": { "internalId": "3", "name": "Honeycomb Holdings Inc." }, "isInactive": false, "isPrivate": false, "email": "", "lastName": "Smith", "firstName": "Tom", "salutation": "Smith", "entityId": "Tom Smith" } ] } ```

Execute a search on a record type based on search filter fields on an associated record type. A joined search allows you search against a specific record type using the fields on an associated record as search filters. In the NetSuite UI, you can identify which associated records provide joined filter criteria by first navigating to a record’s search interface.

Once again, you can find the list of available objects in the Help Center. The component will dynamically fetch all the list with an available metadata. But you should always look at the documentation to build a correct search request.

Joined Search Samples
Search contacts associated with customers

Object Type: Contact

Search Type: Contact Search Join

The following sample shows how to return an associated joined list of records. In this case, all contacts associated with customers of internalId 1, 2 and 3 are returned.

XML request:


The same request for the component (JSON):

  "customerJoin": {
    "internalId": {
      "searchValue": [
          "internalId": "449",
          "name": "customer"
          "internalId": "500",
          "name": "customer"
          "name": "customer",
          "internalId": "594"
      "operator": {
        "value": "anyOf"


Click to see the response ```json { "results": [ { "externalId": "Karen Austin / John Spear", "internalId": "912", "lastModifiedDate": "2019-07-24T09:54:53.000+0000", "dateCreated": "2015-06-07T20:47:55.000+0000", "globalSubscriptionStatus": { "value": "_softOptIn" }, "supervisor": { "internalId": "27", "name": "Brad M Sparling" }, "mobilePhone": "(123) 545-6666", "homePhone": "(222) 123-4321", "officePhone": "(123) 456-7890", "subsidiary": { "internalId": "1", "name": "Honeycomb Mfg." }, "isInactive": false, "isPrivate": false, "defaultAddress": "Brandy Dough
7829 N. Commerce Avenue
San Francisco CA
United States", "email": "", "phone": "(123) 456-7890", "title": "Purchasing", "lastName": "Dickens", "firstName": "Brandy", "entityId": "Brandy Dickens" }, { "internalId": "1545", "lastModifiedDate": "2019-07-24T09:56:22.000+0000", "dateCreated": "2015-03-18T14:35:42.000+0000", "globalSubscriptionStatus": { "value": "_softOptIn" }, "supervisor": { "internalId": "1516", "name": "Brenda Jones" }, "homePhone": "(713) 456-7878", "subsidiary": { "internalId": "1", "name": "Honeycomb Mfg." }, "isInactive": false, "isPrivate": false, "defaultAddress": "123
Ave B
Houston TX 78665
United States", "email": "", "phone": "(713) 456-7878", "lastName": "Samms", "firstName": "Brandy", "entityId": "Brandy Samms" } ] } ```
Search items with a price equal to 10

Object Type: Item

Search Type: Item Search Join

The following sample shows how to search for all items that have a price level of 10.00.

XML request:


The same request for the component (JSON):

  "pricingJoin": {
    "rate": {
      "operator": {
        "value": "equalTo"
      "searchValue": 10
  "basic": {
    "type": {
      "operator": {
        "value": "anyOf"
      "searchValue": [


Click to see the response ```json { "results": [ { "externalId": "ITEM163", "internalId": "163", "customFieldList": { "customField": [ { "value": false, "scriptId": "custitem16", "internalId": "194" } ] }, "supplyReplenishmentMethod": { "internalId": "REORDER_POINT", "name": "Reorder Point" }, "currency": "USA", "availableToPartners": false, "isInactive": true, "offerSupport": false, "isOnline": true, "displayName": "Reserve Pinot Noir 2000", "itemId": "Reserve Pinot Noir 2000", "outOfStockBehavior": { "value": "_default" }, "onSpecial": false, "dontShowPrice": false, "showDefaultDonationAmount": false, "isDonationItem": false, "sitemapPriority": { "value": "_auto" }, "excludeFromSitemap": false, "autoReorderPoint": true, "seasonalDemand": false, "autoPreferredStockLevel": true, "autoLeadTime": true, "leadTime": 0, "useBins": false, "cost": 6, "overallQuantityPricingType": { "value": "_byLineQuantity" }, "costEstimateType": { "value": "_averageCost" }, "useMarginalRates": false, "costCategory": { "internalId": "3", "name": "Default" }, "shipIndividually": false, "enforceMinQtyInternally": true, "roundUpAsComponent": false, "isSpecialOrderItem": false, "isDropShipItem": false, "trackLandedCost": false, "costingMethodDisplay": "Average", "weightUnit": { "value": "_lb" }, "weight": 5, "billExchRateVarianceAcct": { "internalId": "152", "name": "5097 Bill Exchange Rate Variance" }, "billPriceVarianceAcct": { "internalId": "151", "name": "5096 Bill Price Variance" }, "billQtyVarianceAcct": { "internalId": "150", "name": "5095 Bill Quantity Variance" }, "matchBillToReceipt": false, "assetAccount": { "internalId": "120", "name": "Inventory Asset" }, "taxSchedule": { "internalId": "1", "name": "S1" }, "incomeAccount": { "internalId": "56", "name": "4002 Sales : Sales - Merchandise" }, "includeChildren": true, "salesDescription": "Reserve Pinot Noir 2000", "cogsAccount": { "internalId": "121", "name": "Cost of Goods Sold" }, "copyDescription": false, "purchaseDescription": "Reserve Pinot Noir 2000", "lastModifiedDate": "2016-01-18T08:05:19.000+0000", "createdDate": "2015-06-12T21:29:35.000+0000" }, { "externalId": "ITEM164", "internalId": "164", "customFieldList": { "customField": [ { "value": false, "scriptId": "custitem16", "internalId": "194" } ] }, "supplyReplenishmentMethod": { "internalId": "REORDER_POINT", "name": "Reorder Point" }, "currency": "USA", "availableToPartners": false, "isInactive": true, "offerSupport": false, "isOnline": true, "displayName": "Crystallus 2002", "itemId": "Crystallus 2002", "outOfStockBehavior": { "value": "_default" }, "onSpecial": false, "dontShowPrice": false, "showDefaultDonationAmount": false, "isDonationItem": false, "sitemapPriority": { "value": "_auto" }, "excludeFromSitemap": false, "autoReorderPoint": true, "seasonalDemand": false, "autoPreferredStockLevel": true, "autoLeadTime": true, "leadTime": 0, "useBins": false, "cost": 5, "overallQuantityPricingType": { "value": "_byLineQuantity" }, "costEstimateType": { "value": "_averageCost" }, "useMarginalRates": false, "costCategory": { "internalId": "3", "name": "Default" }, "shipIndividually": false, "enforceMinQtyInternally": true, "roundUpAsComponent": false, "isSpecialOrderItem": false, "isDropShipItem": false, "trackLandedCost": false, "costingMethodDisplay": "Average", "weightUnit": { "value": "_lb" }, "weight": 5, "billExchRateVarianceAcct": { "internalId": "152", "name": "5097 Bill Exchange Rate Variance" }, "billPriceVarianceAcct": { "internalId": "151", "name": "5096 Bill Price Variance" }, "billQtyVarianceAcct": { "internalId": "150", "name": "5095 Bill Quantity Variance" }, "matchBillToReceipt": false, "assetAccount": { "internalId": "120", "name": "Inventory Asset" }, "taxSchedule": { "internalId": "1", "name": "S1" }, "incomeAccount": { "internalId": "56", "name": "4002 Sales : Sales - Merchandise" }, "includeChildren": true, "salesDescription": "Crystallus 2002", "cogsAccount": { "internalId": "121", "name": "Cost of Goods Sold" }, "copyDescription": false, "purchaseDescription": "Crystallus 2002", "lastModifiedDate": "2016-01-18T08:05:19.000+0000", "createdDate": "2015-06-12T21:29:35.000+0000" } ] } ```

Execute a search on a record type in which you specify search filter fields and/or search return columns or joined search columns. Using advanced search, you can also return an existing saved search.

Advanced searching provides users with the ability to:

  • Perform a search that references an existing saved search
  • Perform a search that references an existing saved search, and then overrides existing search return columns with new search return columns
  • Perform a search that references an existing saved search, and then provides additional search filter criteria (on top of the criteria already specified in the saved search)
  • Perform a search that specifies search criteria and search result columns

The SOAP web services API includes advanced search objects for all records that have an existing search interface.

Please check your ‘Advanced Search’ Help center section in order to build a correct request. You can find it in the following way:

Log in to your NetSuite account > Suite Cloud (Customization, Scripting, and Web Services) > SuiteTalk Web Services > SuiteTalk SOAP Web Services Platform Guide > SOAP Web Services operations > search > Advanced Searches in SOAP Web Services.

The component will always fetch all the existing metadata for the advanced search for you. All you should do is to delete what you don’t need and to build a correct request based on the documentation.

Known Limitations
  • Enum values for condition operators accessible only in the Basic search type.
  • Input metadata for property columns absent for object type: Transaction and Advance Search search type.
  • The following transaction searches are not supported:
Click to expand - Blanket Purchase Order - CCard Refund - Commission - Credit Card - Currency Revaluation - Customer Payment Authorization - Deprecated Custom Transaction - Finance Charge - Fulfillment Request - GL Impact Adjustment - Inventory Count - Inventory Distribution - Inventory Status Change - Inventory Worksheet - Liability Adjustment - Ownership Transfer - Payroll Adjustment - Payroll Liability Check - Period End Journal - Purchase Contract - Request For Quote - Revenue Arrangement - Revenue Commitment - Revenue Commitment Reversal - Revenue Contract - Sales Tax Payment - Statement Charge - Store Pickup Fulfillment - System Journal - Tax Liability Cheque - Tegata Payable - Tegata Receivable - Transfer - Vendor Request For Quote
Advanced Search Samples

Object Type: Customer

Search Type: Customer Search Advanced

The following sample shows how to find customers, using saved search (by a keyword in an email).

XML request:


The same request for the component (JSON):

  "savedSearchId": "740"


Click to see the response ```json { "results": [ { "basic": { "salesRep": [ { "searchValue": { "internalId": "1008" } } ], "phone": [ { "searchValue": "937-287-2222" } ], "internalId": [ { "searchValue": { "internalId": "980" } } ], "entityId": [ { "searchValue": "D&H Manufacturing" } ], "billState": [ { "searchValue": "OH" } ], "billCity": [ { "searchValue": "Dayton" } ], "billAddress1": [ { "searchValue": "410 E. Fifth St." } ] } } ] } ```

Lookup Objects By Custom Field

Looks for objects available in NetSuite which meet given custom string field criteria.

Lookup Objects By Custom Field. Config fields

  • Object Category - a category of an object in NetSuite
    • Standard
    • Custom
  • Object Type - an object in NetSuite (Contact, Customer, Invoice, Cash Sale etc.). Fetches dynamically.

Input metadata objects:

  • Custom field name - name of the custom field. E.g. custbody_tran_number
  • Custom field value - value of the custom field. E.g. ABC-123
  "customFieldName": "custbody_tran_number",
  "customFieldValue": "ABC-123"

Update Object

Update an object in NetSuite.

Update Object. Config Fields

  • Object Category - a category of an object in NetSuite
    • Standard
    • Custom
  • Object Type - an object in NetSuite (Contact, Customer etc.). Fetches dynamically.

Update Object. Input Metadata

Is being fetched dynamically. Sample:

Input metadata for Invoice object: ```json { "internalId": "13817", "entity": { "internalId": "5" }, "currency": { "internalId": "1" }, "tranDate": "2023-05-23", "itemList": { "item": [ { "description": "General Donation", "amount": 1000, "item": { "internalId": "12" }, "quantity": 1, "rate": "100", "taxCode": { "internalId": "5" }, "customFieldList": { "customField": [ { "type": "SelectCustomFieldRef", "scriptId": "asd_d3", "value": { "name": "Charity type", "internalId": "2" } } ] } } ] }, "customFieldList": { "customField": [ { "type": "StringCustomFieldRef", "scriptId": "custbody_sf_field-one", "value": "Bank Transfer" }, { "type": "StringCustomFieldRef", "scriptId": "custbody_sf_field-two", "value": "Individual One-Off" }, { "type": "StringCustomFieldRef", "scriptId": "custbody_sf_field-three", "value": "John Doe" }, { "type": "StringCustomFieldRef", "scriptId": "custbody_sf_field-four", "value": "ABC-987" } ] } } ```

Upsert Object By ID

Either update an object in NetSuite by an ID provided or inserts as a new object if it does not exist.

Upsert Object By ID. Config Fields

  • Object Category - a category of an object in NetSuite
    • Standard
    • Custom
  • Object Type - an object in NetSuite (Contact, Customer etc.). Fetches dynamically.

Lookup Customer (deprecated)

Deprecated. Use Lookup Object By Id action instead. Find customer by provided ID.

How to use Lookup Customer Action

Find and select NetSuite component in the component repository

Step 1

Create new or select existing credentials

Step 2

Select action from list

Step 3

Set input message or bind data from previous step

Step 4

Retrieving sample

Step 5

Retrieve sample result and click “Continue”

Step 6

Finish component configuration

Step 7

You can provide internal, external id or all of them in input message. If entity doesn’t have externalId You must specify only internalId in input message.

If you specify incorrect internal or external id, You will get error “That record does not exist.

For example:

  • externalId exists
  • externalId does not exist

Lookup Customer. Input metadata


Lookup Invoice (deprecated)

Deprecated. Use Lookup Object By Id action instead.

Finds invoice by provided ID.

How to use Lookup Invoice Action

Find and select NetSuite component in the component repository

Step 1

Create new or select existing credentials

Step 2

Select action from list

Step 3

Set input message or bind data from previous step

Step 4

Retrieving sample

Step 5

Retrieve sample result and click “Continue”

Step 6

Finish component configuration

Step 7

You can provide internal, external id or all of them in input message. If entity doesn’t have externalId You must specify only internalId in input message.

If You specify incorrect internal or external id, You will get error “That record does not exist.

For example:

  • externalId exists
  • externalId does not exist

Lookup Invoice. Input metadata


Upsert Contact (deprecated)

Deprecated. Use Upsert Object By Id action instead.

Create new or update existing contact by provided external ID.

How to use Upsert Contact Action

Find and select NetSuite component in the component repository

Step 1

Create new or select existing credentials

Step 2

Select action from list

Step 3

Set input message or bind data from previous step

Step 4

Retrieving sample

Step 5

Retrieve sample result and click “Continue”

Step 6

Finish component configuration

Step 7

Upsert Contact. Input metadata


Request sample:

  "externalId": "entity164",
  "customForm": {
    "internalId": "-40",
    "name": "Standard Contact Form"
  "entityId": "Olha Grogan",
  "salutation": "Mrs.",
  "firstName": "Olha",
  "lastName": "Grogan",
  "subsidiary": {
    "internalId": "1",
    "name": "Honeycomb Mfg."

Upsert Customer (deprecated)

Deprecated. Use Upsert Object By Id action instead.

Creates new or updates an existing customer by provided external ID.

How to use Upsert Customer Action

Find and select NetSuite component in the component repository

Step 1

Create new or select existing credentials

Step 2

Select action from list

Step 3

Set input message or bind data from previous step

Step 4

Retrieving sample

Step 5

Retrieve sample result and click “Continue”

Step 6

Finish component configuration

Step 7

Upsert Customer. Input metadata


Request sample:

  "externalId": "external order ID",
  "customerId": "internal customer ID",
  "currency": "USA",
  "exchangeRate": 1.0,
  "orderItems": [
			"itemInternalId": "387",
			"quantity": 10


Upsert Invoice (deprecated)

Deprecated. Use Upsert Object By Id action instead.

Creates new or update existing invoice by provided external ID.

How to use Upsert Invoice Action

Find and select NetSuite component in the component repository

Step 1

Create new or select existing credentials

Step 2

Select action from list

Step 3

Set input message or bind data from previous step

Step 4

Retrieving sample

Step 5

Retrieve sample result and click “Continue”

Step 6

Finish component configuration

Step 7

Upsert Invoice. Input metadata:


Click to see the response Request sample: ```json { "externalId": "23213000001", "customForm": { "name": "HM Product Invoice", "internalId": "102" }, "entity": { "name": "Jennings Financial", "internalId": "81" }, "terms": { "name": "Net 30", "internalId": "2" }, "subsidiary": { "name": "Honeycomb Mfg.", "internalId": "1" }, "currency": { "name": "USA", "internalId": "1" }, "location": { "name": "02: Boston", "internalId": "1" }, "isTaxable": true, "taxItem": { "name": "CA-SAN MATEO", "internalId": "-112" }, "taxRate": 8.25, "fax": "916-555-0806", "message": "We appreciate your prompt payment", "shipMethod": { "name": "Truck", "internalId": "3" }, "itemList": { "item": [ { "job": null, "item": { "name": "CHA00002®", "internalId": "707", "externalId": null, "type": null }, "line": 1, "description": "Assembly Item - Historical", "amount": 7020, "isTaxable": null, "quantity": 36, "price": { "name": "List Price", "internalId": "1" }, "rate": "195.00", "taxCode": { "name": "-Not Taxable-", "internalId": "-7" } } ], "replaceAll": false }, "shippingCost": 704.25, "customFieldList": { "customField": [ { "type": "BooleanCustomFieldRef", "internalId": "167", "scriptId": "custbody_fmt_senior_exec_declined", "value": false } ] } } ```

Upsert Sales Order (deprecated)

Deprecated. Use Upsert Object By Id action instead.

Creates new or update existing sales order by provided external ID.

How to use Upsert Sales Order Action

Find and select NetSuite component in the component repository

Step 1

Create new or select existing credentials

Step 2

Select action “Upsert Sales Order” from list

Step 3

Set input message or bind data from previous step

Step 4

Retrieving sample

Step 5

Retrieve sample result and click “Continue”

Step 6

Finish component configuration

Step 7

Upsert Sales Order. Input metadata


Request sample:

  "externalId": "80144000000B5wqAAC",
  "orderStatus": "_pendingFulfillment",
  "currency": {
    "name": "USA",
    "internalId": "1"
  "customForm": {
    "internalId": "174",
    "name": "Z - HM Sales Order Form"
  "entity": {
    "internalId": "2053"
  "exchangeRate": "1.0",

Upsert Vendor (deprecated)

Deprecated. Use Upsert Object By Id action instead.

Creates new or update existing vendor by provided external ID.

How to use Upsert Vendor Action

Find and select NetSuite component in the component repository

Step 1

Create new or select existing credentials

Step 2

Select action from list

Step 3

Set input message or bind data from previous step

Step 4

Retrieving sample

Step 5

Retrieve sample result

Step 6

Finish component configuration

Step 7

Request sample:

  "externalId": "9999",
  "entityId": "Nick",
  "isPerson": "false",
  "companyName": "Nick2",
  "phone": "937 99 92",
  "fax": "937 99 92",
  "email": "",
  "url": "",
  "customFieldList": {
    "customField": [
        "internalId": "3992",
        "scriptId": "custentity_2663_payment_method",
        "type": "BooleanCustomFieldRef",
        "value": "false"
        "internalId": "3993",
        "scriptId": "custentity_2663_payment_method",
        "type": "BooleanCustomFieldRef",
        "value": "false"

Upsert Vendor. Input metadata


Upsert Custom Fields

Currently, You can upsert custom fields only from developer mode. You should to use property type, which can accept next values:

  • BooleanCustomFieldRef
  • DateCustomFieldRef
  • DoubleCustomFieldRef
  • LongCustomFieldRef
  • MultiSelectCustomFieldRef
  • SelectCustomFieldRef
  • StringCustomFieldRef

You can find example of custom field structures bellow.

  • BooleanCustomFieldRef
      "internalId": "1",
      "scriptId": "script1",
      "value": true,
      "type": "BooleanCustomFieldRef"
  • DateCustomFieldRef
      "internalId": "1",
      "scriptId": "script1",
      "value": "2018-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "type": "DateCustomFieldRef"
  • DoubleCustomFieldRef
      "internalId": "1",
      "scriptId": "script1",
      "value": 3456.24,
      "type": "DoubleCustomFieldRef"
  • LongCustomFieldRef
      "internalId": "1",
      "scriptId": "script1",
      "value": 987979999,
      "type": "LongCustomFieldRef"
  • MultiSelectCustomFieldRef
      "internalId": "1",
      "scriptId": "script1",
      "value": [
      "type": "MultiSelectCustomFieldRef"
  • SelectCustomFieldRef
    "internalId": "1",
    "scriptId": "script1",
    "value": {
    "type": "SelectCustomFieldRef"
  • StringCustomFieldRef
      "internalId": "1",
      "scriptId": "script1",
      "value": "some value",
      "type": "StringCustomFieldRef"

Known limitations

  • Currently ‘Vendor payments’ and ‘Customer payments’ types are supported for the Search Entity trigger.
  • Calling Get New and Updated Objects Polling with Size of Polling Page less then 5 returns Error while NetSuite API call [Invalid search page size.]

API docs

Open Integration Hub Standards