Product Update - v20.39

Details of the product update v20.39 from 24th of September 2020.

Improvements and Updates

Lower recipes visibility

With this release we enabled lowering the recipe visibility using an API call. To lower the visibility use the /v2/recipes/{RECIPE_ID}/visibility API endpoint. Check our API documentation for exact API call format.

To remind, the visibility can be workspace, contract and tenant. The workapace is the lowest visibility. Please note the following before trying to lower the visibility:

  • You can change the visibility only if you have appropriate permission. This includes lowering or increasing the access.
  • After lowering the recipe visibility it will not be available for other users who have no access to the entity.

Define recipe author

We extended the recipe creation API to include the author attribute as well.

  • If this attribute is set in your recipe creation API call, then this value will be displayed in the UI.
  • Otherwise, the default logic would apply - the full name of the API caller will be taken as value.

Here is an example section of the recipe draft:

  "data": {
    "type": "recipe",
    "attributes": {
      "info": {
        "title": "My simple recipe",
        "short_description": "The short description text is here",
        "description": "Long description text goes here."

Polling flows starting conditions

With this release we improved the conditions when the polling flows start after you update and publish the draft which replaces the active flow.

When you publish a new draft over the active flow it would not trigger a new execution, but will wait and run it on next due execution time.

Please note: If you need to execute your flow right away you can always press Run now to do so.

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixes the search functionality in “Choose Agent” drop-down of the new mapper interface.
  • Addresses the problem of frozen retrieve sample state for edge cases.
  • Fixes the bug when step configuration gets blocked after component version change.
  • Addresses the problem when Secrets service fails to refresh the OAuth2 tokens.
  • Fixes the bug when the redirect URL hash gets removed after the login.


Audit of components

We started an audit of code in our components against the possibility of them exposing sensitive data in the logs. The following components were checked and potential parts refactored:

Shopify Admin Component

  • NEW - adding support for reading and writing meta-fields
  • IMPROVEMENT - Change API Key in credentials to password level
  • UPDATED - dependencies

JDE E1 Component

Introducing new component Oracle JDE Edwards EnterpriseOne Orchestrator.

  • NEW - introducing Execute an Orchestration action

REST API Component

  • FIXED - reverting back the URL encoding.

Google Spreadsheets

  • IMPROVEMENT - added request rate limits handling.

Google BigQuery Component

  • IMPROVEMENT - extended the Query action metadata with additional options

Exact Online Component

  • IMPROVEMENT - added an option to credentials to select country
  • UPDATED - dependencies and packages