By utilizing a separate Redis cluster for Webhook quotas, potential failures are minimized, ensuring uninterrupted service and improved performance. This approach not only safeguards against quota-related issues but also enhances the scalability and stability of the system, providing users with a more dependable and resilient Webhook quota service within the platform.
The pagination functionality in the logs window on the thread page enables users to navigate through log entries more effectively. With this enhancement, users can easily access and review log information, facilitating smoother tracking of execution details and enhancing the overall user experience within the platform.
pageThis update reorders the tabs to prioritize error information, followed by Logs and Mapper Logs, optimizing the user interface for efficient troubleshooting.
library upgrade to v5.0.3This update brings the enhancements and performance optimizations, ensuring compatibility and improved functionality.
upgrade in Sailor-NodeJS
This update eliminates vulnerabilities and enhances the overall security posture of the platform.
Additionally, the release of sailor v2.7.3
brings further enhancements and optimizations, ensuring a secure and up-to-date environment for users leveraging the `sailor-nodejs.
TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'value' of object # error
for flows with REST API V2 component
engine from 16
to 18
from 3.1.5
to 3.2.1
from 4.0.3
to 5.0.3
Make Raw Request
ActionGet New and Updated Objects Polling